Residential Pest Control to Get Rid of Millipedes from Your House

  In advice

Usually, after a heavy rain, groups of millipedes can be seen emerging from your garden, pathway, and some might wander into your homes. Millipedes also don’t bite or transmit diseases but when stepped on or touched, they might secrete toxins that could cause allergic reactions.

When the presence of millipedes in your home becomes a problem, you do have options such as residential pest control services which can get rid of millipedes from your property. This article will share with you simple and effective ways to eliminate millipedes. If you do not want to attempt to control them yourself, simply get in touch with Maximum Pest Control Services by calling  as we serve wide areas around Los Angeles offering proven pest control solutions.

Characteristics of Millipedes

Millipede literally translates to “thousand legs” but they don’t have that many legs. They are small, segmented, and tan to reddish black in color. They are nocturnal arthropods and range from 2.5 to 4 cm in length. They are slow walkers and curl to a ball when alarmed.

They like to hide in dark and damp places. But when conditions become too hot, or too wet from rain, they will seek shelter and sometimes stumble into your home. Your basement, crawlspaces, garage, or toilets might be an ideal place for them to relocate.

These bugs are decomposers. This means they feed on decaying matter which is why they usually feed on your garden and lawn. They also eat smaller insects.

Getting Rid of Millipedes

Once you spot the presence of millipedes crawling in your house, getting rid of them is easier compared to other pests such as bed bugs, rats, mouse or cockroaches. But the chances of them getting back inside your property depend on the manner you used to eliminate millipedes in the first place. Here are some pest control insights you should take note of:

Waiting Out

If you have spotted one at your home, wait it out. Many of the millipedes that wander into your home only made their way in due to some distractions in their hiding place. But now that they are inside, they don’t know how to get out.

Try to wait them out. They are unlikely to survive in dry places and would eventually die in a few days. You can then sweep or vacuum the remains of the dead bug. Having said this, since toddlers and young children are often curious, make sure to keep an extra set of eyes for few days.

Manual Removal

But if you can’t stand the sight of a millipede, you can remove these pests manually. Be careful not to squish them! They release a stinky odor and their blood might irritate your skin. Use gloves when picking them up manually. Return them to the soil far from your home or in a trash bin.

You can also just vacuum or use a bucket of soap water to kill these pests. Then sweep them up with a broom to dispose of it in the garbage.


Millipede traps (or even Cockroach Tunnel Traps) can also be a convenient way to get rid of these bugs. You can buy easy-to-install traps online or you can even make your own.

Bug Barriers

Creating bug barriers is also a big help, in fact, if you are gardening for seasonal vegetables, ensuring to protect your residential garden using ‘Chemical-Free’ Pest Control techniques should be part of your property’s maintenance regime. Spray anti-bug pesticides or insecticide around the perimeter of your home and on possible entry points for the bugs. For example: around air vents, crawlspaces, and even on the walls of your basement.

If you don’t want to use pesticides, you can use environmentally friendly and natural pest control options as detailed below.

Boric Acid enters through the exoskeleton of millipedes and causes them to dehydrate slowly. It disrupts the digestive system of millipedes causing them to die fast. But be extremely careful when using boric acid around children.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) similar to boric acid, DE pierces through the exoskeleton of millipedes and kills them dead. The disadvantage of this crystalline powder is that it might cause nasal irritation when inhaled, so make sure you wear full protective clothing including a mask.

Essential Oils unlike the previous two options, essential oils can act as a repellant when used as a bug barrier. Although they won’t kill the bugs per se, natural oils can help in preventing them from infesting your house. Dilute tea tree oil or peppermint oil with water and sprinkle them around possible bug entry points such as door gaps and windowsills. Using natural methods also has an added bonus ‘they smell nice too’.

Cayenne Pepper can also be used as a good repellant, cayenne pepper is an easy over-the-kitchen solution to combat millipedes in your house. Since cayenne pepper can survive in almost all of California’s weather conditions, perhaps you may like to grow them if you enjoy spicy flavors. As in, you’ll hit two birds with one stone using cayenne pepper as a natural pest control option.


Similar to most residential pests (mouse, cockroaches, termites) seek out and thrive in damp and dark areas, you can dehumidify your home to discourage various pests from seeking shelter inside. Dehumidify wall corners, garage, and even the foundation of your house. Our team here at Maximum Pest Control Services can take care of this process using the right pest control and management tools, simply learn more about our residential pest control solutions we’ve also created another article related to using Pesticides for Residential Pest Control.


Tidy Up

Of course, cleanliness is an asset against millipedes and other types of pests. Ensure no mulch build-up is present around the property. Remove grasses, leaves, hedge clippings, and firewood from near the foundation of your house. You should also fix leaks in plumbing. Get rid of stagnant water and make sure no moisture stays for too long in areas inside your home. As always, remember, prevention is the best way to eliminate pest problems.

Call an Exterminator

Contact expert pest exterminator to handle the infestation of millipedes or other types of pests. Aside from handling millipedes, qualified and experienced pest control technicians and exterminators are specialized in managing, monitoring, and preventing pests from infesting your residential property in the first place.

You can always let Maximum Pest Control Services trusted and experienced exterminators do the job for you, because we don’t just get rid of current pest infestation, but rather ensure they won’t come back.

Contact Us for Better Residential Pest Control Solutions

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