Bee Control and Bee Removal Around Los Angeles California

  In advice

Ants, cockroaches, earwigs, bees, mice or other pests and insects (crawling or flying) walking around your property is just a weird scene, especially when you are in the middle of food preparation for your family. The thought of disgust as well as the dangers to personal hygiene and health are bothersome to say the least.

But what do you do when your personal space is invaded by these often well hidden and out of sight invaders ‘PESTS’. Do you go to the supermarket to buy pest killer sprays in hope to spray ’em dead and eliminate pests? Or are you wise enough to call your local pest control company?

In this article we are going to get familiar with Bees by first learning about

What Are Bees?

Bees are insects with wings, these insects are well known for their role in pollination and for producing honey. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea. They are presently considered a clade, called Anthophila. Globally there are over 16,000 known species of bees in seven recognized biological families.

Bees play a very important role as part of our ecosystem throughout United States including California, therefore ensuring their survival is important. There are 1600 species of native bee that can be found in California. Having said this, it doesn’t mean that you should be sharing your home with them because some species can damage your property and in some cases, even become hostile and cause havoc through aggressive group attacks.

Common Types of Bees Found Throughout California

As we’ve said, there are countless species of bees you’ll find throughout California. Although we can’t cover all species, let us look at some common ones while understanding that regardless of their scientific name or type, these insects called Bees almost always share common traits when it comes to their biology and living habits.

Yellow Faced Bumblebee (Bombus vosnesenskii)

Yellow Faced Bumblebee Bombus vosnesenskii

This is a common bee that you’ll most certainly come across anywhere there is native flora, although they prefer areas rich in flower diversity, most active during flower pollination season (early spring). Bumblebees move slowly among flowers and are easy to distinguish by their hairy, chunky yellow bands on their bodies. Bumblebee’s are not aggressive unless they are threatened. Being social insects and colony dwelling bees, they usually nest in abandoned rodent dens or even dry hollows in the ground.

The Valley Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa sonorina)

The Valley Carpenter Bee Xylocopa sonorina

The valley carpenter bee is a species of carpenter bee that can be found from western Texas to northern California. They are called carpenter bees because they carve their nests out of decaying wood, most noticeable bees found in Valley gardens.

These type of bees are solitary, and do not usually cause damage to structural beams when found around residential or commercial properties around Los Angeles. And yet, if individual nests do multiply, then they can eventually destroy the surrounding wood surface. As far as controlling pests and removing bees are concerned, carpenter bees are strong but cannot sting.

Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)

Queen Honey Bee and Worker Bees

A honey bee (also spelled honeybee) is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade.

Honey bees are not native to North America, originally imported from Europe, honey bees reached the west coast around 1800’s. Today, honey bees help pollinate many U.S. crops like fruits and nuts. And since California The Golden State has diverse agricultural sector, all types of bees play an important role when it comes to sustainability and growth of such industries.

The European honey bee grows to between 3/8 and 3/4 of an inch long. European honey bees are less aggressive compared to Africanized honey bees, despite popular belief, honey bees do not fly about just to sting people. However, most bees will attack if they sense a threat from you or are provoked.

There is a great big clump of honey bees around my property?

First thing is first, should you happen to come across any type of bee hive, do NOT attempt to remove it yourself. Get in touch with your local government environmental authority. Or if you do live in LA, you can either get in touch with your local beekeeper or a professional pest control company such as Maximum Pest Control Services currently serving Los Angeles neighborhoods.

What If You Aren’t Sure If Its a Bee or a Wasp?

Whenever you aren’t sure, its always best to seek professional advice. Wasps do make their way in to homes, and the last thing anyone would want is being attached by bees or experience a painfully nasty Wasp sting. For bee or wasp removal that is that is humane, you can always get in touch with our pest control experts in LA.


Bee Control in Los Angeles California

Do keep in mind, if a new bee hive is established near your doors, windows, fence, roof or garden you must take immediate action to get the hive removed. And never attempt to remove bees yourself as its very dangerous because when bees feel threatened they will attack, and worst yet, they will attack in large numbers.

Bees communicate via chemicals, vibrations and movement, particularly useful method of communication this allows worker bees to tell other bees where they found pollen and nectar, but when it comes to threat (especially threat to the hive itself) they can quickly swarm in huge numbers without enough time for you (or children or pets) to run away from attacking bees.

Protect your home and business with reliable pest control solutions by calling our pest control experts. Highly experienced pest control and management specialists, we understand the difference between bees, wasps and other stinging insects. That means, we can advise about the best course of action take, remove any type of pest or stinging insect inside or near your property allowing you to feel safe and worry free from pests and dangerous insects.

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