Types of Rats Found in Los Angeles and Ways to Exterminate Them

  In Rats and Mice

First let’s look at the importance of exterminating RATS from urban settings and why you must take action in the case of rat infestation from homes and commercial settings. Rats (also mice) have the ability to carry diseases which can harm humans (and our loving pets).

Take for example: Bartonella spp bacteria which can cause an infectious disease with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Rodents, rats and mice can also carry many other diseases including hantavirus, lymphocytic, Rat Bite Fever (RBF), Jaundice, Typhoid fever, leptospirosis, choriomeningitis, Tularemia and Salmonella.

According to the rat research at various sites in downtown Los Angeles through a rodent management and disease surveillance program conducted by Los Angeles County Department of Public Health California, traces of Bartonella spp have been found in rat’s blood. Bartonella bacteria (Bartonella genus) and infectious diseases that can be caused by rodents still remains a serious health threat for humans and animals.

Apart from the fact that rat infestation is outright dirty with many risk factors (for example: when found in restaurant settings, this can drastically affect everything related to the business including its reputation).

Basically, rat and mice infestation must be dealt with and eliminated completely for a safer dwelling and working spaces. As far as rats found throughout Los Angeles California, there are 3 worth mentioning:

  1. Norway Rat (Brown Rat)
  2. Roof Rat
  3. Cotton Rats

Rats infestation is usually identified by their sighting, their droppings, gnawing, evidence of foot mark tracks which can be seen in the mud and on dusty surfaces, as well as unusual scratching and rustling sounds inside homes or in between walls in the case of commercial settings. For obvious reasons, our team here at Maximum Pest Control Services recommends that you contact your local pest control company in the event you notice signs of rats and mice presence at your home or business property.

Due their population rate, the presence of mice and rats in a residential and commercial property will increase exponentially if they are not exterminated and removed. Critically, killing and removing rats and mice is never the complete solution, meaning, you must identify the cause of their infestation (which is almost always related to easy access to food, shelter and water sources nearby). Let’s explore the common rats you may come across in your LA home or business property.

Anatomy of Brown Rat Rattus norvegicus

1. Norway Rat (Brown Rat)

The Norway Rat is the largest of the three. They are also known as a Brown rat, Norwegian rat, sewer rat, house rat, wharf rat, barn rat, grey rat, or street rat. Basically, a rat.

  • This type of rodent often reaches 13 to 17 inches in length (head-to-tail), plus a tail that’s almost as long as its body. The Norway rat weighs 1/2 to 1 pound.
  • These are the most destructive types of rats that you will come across in your home or commercial building. They are large rodents with light brown fur who can cause a great deal of damage to the property because they gnaw on materials to wear down their teeth.
  • They will eat anything and everything, including pet food, leather, and even electrical wiring. They can also contaminate their environment as they feed on just about anything, feces included. Brown rats prefer living in a burrow close to water sources, they love consuming fish, meat, poultry, nuts, grains, and vegetables.
  • Brown rats are the most common problem handled by Maximum Pest Control Services rat exterminators in Los Angeles neighborhoods.

2. Roof Rats

  • The Roof Rat is smaller than the Norway rat, usually weighing 7 to 10 ounces and measuring 8 to 10 inches long (head-to-tail). 
  • It’s sometimes called a black rat or ship rat. The roof rat is less tolerant to cold weather than the Norway rat, since Los Angeles California climate is ideal, your property can be infested by roof rats as well.
  • This rodent prefers living in high spaces and usually lives above ground, often in attics and trees (hence called Roof Rats). These rats eat just about anything, including fruits and grains.
  • The difference between Roof Rats and Norway Rats is that they will generally be found in small numbers and aren’t as destructive as other rats.

3. Cotton Rats

  • The Cotton Rat is smaller than both the Norway and roof rat, usually weighing 4 to 8 ounces and measuring 7 to 10 inches long (head-to-tail). 
  • This type of rodent burrows into grassy areas near water, where it lives and feeds on plants, including wild grasses and crops. Although this type of pest isn’t known to enter homes or commercial properties for building their colony, they are nonetheless a problem especially in California’s agricultural sector.
  • This is the smallest type rodent within a rat family often confused as a house mouse.

If you suspect that your LA property has become home to one or more of these types of pests, or if you have spotted evidence suggesting that this is the case, inquire about our pest control service. We provide a comprehensive pest inspection to determine whether or not rats have invaded your home or business, and if so, how many and at what stage of infestation the problem is at.

What is the Task of a Pest Controller or Fumigator?

Pest controllers and fumigators inspect buildings and outside areas for pest infestation, and apply chemical treatments to kill insects, rodents and other pests (for example: rats, bed bugs, mice, cockroaches etc.). Pest control experts may also set cage traps to capture animals and particularly remove wildlife.

Although Maximum Pest Control Services cover locations throughout and nearby Los Angeles California, rules and regulations for handling pesticides are usually similar all over the world. This is because pest control experts need to be trained as they handle chemicals which can often be hazardous if handled incorrectly. Basically, pest control exterminators and fumigators must be licensed and experienced to get the job done right.

How Much Does It Cost to Get Rid of Rats?

All professional and licensed pest exterminators should always give you a breakdown of how they arrive at their pest control service fee before any work commences. However, when it comes to getting rid of rats and mice, typical service fee for rat extermination can range between $200 to $1000 for residential property and between $500 or $2000 for eliminating rats from a commercial property.

Do keep in mind that all professional pest control companies consider few important factors when determining rat extermination costs. First is the stage of infestation (as in, is it at early stage or full-blown infestation). Second is the size of the building (as in, do you need a rat and mice exterminator for your home, warehouse, one storey business premise (i.e. restaurant or office), or triple storey commercial building).

What you really should consider is a pest control company that offers customized pest control treatment solutions as opposed to one size fits all approach. This way, you’ll get better and faster outcomes that is within your budget.

How to Get Rid of Rats from Your Home or Business Property

Although there are many ways to get rid of rats, the best way is to contact your local rat extermination service providers for safer and quicker results. Understand the fact that handling pesticides and rodenticides can be hazardous if used incorrectly.

The steps you can take to eliminate rats can start by inspecting and identifying the nesting sites as well as the entryways. Ideally, you want to ensure the food and water sources are removed so that rats do not come back once exterminated and removed.

You can ensure garbage bins are well covered and emptied regularly. Clean the outdoor of the property by removing debris and any piles of woods, bird and pet feces. Ensure adequate sunlight and air and regular inspection of storage spaces particularly around and in cardboard boxes that contains materials.

Inspect and fix plumbing leaks and remove standing water from outdoor of the premise. Use air tight containers when storing food (grains, rice or other types of food). You can also explore setting up rat traps, and although we do not recommend that you use rat poison, it can be an option if sought after through a professional and licensed rat control expert.

Rats carcass stacked on the floor

Residential Pest Control

Commercial Pest Control

How to Remove Dead Rat or Dead Mice?

When there is a dead rat or mouse carcass nearby, you’ll know the smell. Once you have eliminated the rat problem, the job doesn’t stop there because you’ll need to remove the dead rats and mice as well.

Important: when handling exterminated rats, always wear safety equipment, at minimum safety gloves, goggles and mask. You can even wear Chemical Coveralls to be better protected. Never bury dead rats or mice in the ground or in your backyard garden.

Whether you are handling large quantities of dead rats or just a single mouse. To safely remove dead mouse and or dead rat, you can grab the carcass using tongs, place it on a newspaper and slowly roll/wrap the dead rat/mouse, and then put it in a environmentally friendly biodegradable rubbish bag. Slowly but surely seal the bag well, then finally, place into the rubbish bin outside of your property. Throw away tongs, masks and gloves after use.

Contact Your Local Rat Extermination Services

The best way to get rid of rats and mice infestation is by contacting registered and licensed pest control company who is aware of local governing laws regarding the usage of rodenticides and removal of dead rat and mice carcass.

You’d be pleased to know that Maximum Pest Control Services offers proven results and guaranteed solutions eliminating rats and mice in LA. That means, all our valued clients living in or around San Fernando, Woodland Hills, Encino, Tarzana, Reseda, Bell Canyon, West Hills, Sherman Oaks, Granada Hills or other nearby locations can enjoy the confidence knowing our experts are here to exterminate and remove all types of pests including rats and mice, and do so at competitive rates.

Maximum Pest Control Services

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